
Advance Electrical | 2020

Advance Electrical Wholesalers are a leading provider of of product and services through the lower North Island of New Zealand.  

Incentive Programmes have been a key part of the Electrical Industry over the years, and Advance were well recognised for taking customers away and rewarding them for their business.

Like many organisations, the challenge they faced was keeping it fresh, relevant and having a clear and robust qualification framework.  They needed to know that the programme was returning on their investment and approached OneNineFive to review and recommend a new way forward.

The first stage was to work with them to analyse their historical sales data and to look at where the opportunities for growth in their customer base was.

We then set individualised sales targets for customers.  They knew clearly what they had to do to earn the reward.

To give the incentive a strong and meaningful identity, we developed a name and style suited to the industry.  Named 'The Grid' this identity was applied to the customised website we built to anchor the programme too.

Over the next 12 month qualification period, we managed the monthly sales figures, uploading the data to the website for customers to track their progress at any time. Alongside that, monthly Grid newsletters with supplier updates, trip information and more tips to keep them on track to target.

Key to any incentive is a compelling reward experience.  To move Advance forward from what had historically been 'boys trips', we recommended two trips - one for couples (Melbourne), and one for singles (Queenstown).  

Covid 19 led to a change to Melbourne, and at the end of the Qualification phase we ran two groups in into Queenstown.

Each trip was extremely well received.  It was clear that for the partners of qualifiers, the invitation to be part of a reward trip was appreciated greatly, and you can sense this in the video shown above.

The singles trip was hi-octane fun and the guys on this trip had an exceptional time.  

You can get a feel for the experience the single travellers had in this video:

Feedback from both Advance Electrical and their customers has shown the success of the programme and plans are underway for the continuation of The Grid, once the impacts of Covid lessen.

"From all of our team at Advance and our customers, all we can say is thanks.  Your professionalism throughout and ability to adapt has been amazing and what you delivered exceeded expectations.  We look forward to the next chapter."
Joel Bull and the Management Team, Advance Electrical Wholesalers